donderdag 30 juni 2011


I had a lovely dinner @ the Indonesian restaurant Garoeda with my boyfriend :)

"Garoeda is the name of the golden eagle in the Indonesian mythology. Half animal, half human he bears on his back the Brahman God Vishnoe. The eagle Garoeda always was the protector of the oppressed in the struggle between good and evil. Therefor Garoeda is the symbol of happiness and friendship." Indonesian restaurant Garoeda presents you a piece of Indonesia in the Netherlands. All this in the atmosphere of "Tempo doeloe". Garoeda for some ….., for others a new exotic world."


woensdag 29 juni 2011

Transformers 3

Just went to the movies: Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon!!

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The FLOPSHOP project by Landa Penders!

the FLOPSHOP project from Landa Penders on Vimeo.

Landa Penders:
We all buy stuff from mega fashion chains that offer us awesome fashion for good prices. Why wouldn’t we? It looks cool, we can combine it with our personal taste and at the end of the day we still have some money left, if lucky. But what we don’t realize, is that there are probably a few designs or prints hanging in your closet that haven’t been designed by the brands mentioned on the label.

At first I really thought it was a compliment that they used my picture on a t-shirt of Topman by Topshop. Awesome! But after thinking about it some more, I realized I’ve become just another victim of the enormous mass consumption society that we live in. Large fashion chains claim that they’re anticipating on the latest fashion trends and they fire their clothes in huge amounts on their target groups. It’s all about increasing sales and the passion for fashion is irrelevant to them. After researching about this I stumbled upon multiple examples of shops like Topshop, H&M, ZARA, New Look etc. that violate the copyright of independent designers. They trace and draw works of others, change a few little details, but they lack originality and do not have a vision they want to share, like the original designer has. Then they just sell it on the shelves of their shops and no one will hear of the person who actually spent hours and hours on the original works.

With the FLOPSHOP project I want to raise awareness about the over consuming and producing of clothes in an impassionate way. We cannot allow the stealing of designs and screwing of the independent designer. Moreover, we’re standing at the beginning of a period where people want to go back to the classics, where people will not be satisfied with mass production anymore. People want original, authentic pieces for their money. The small independent designer can rise and will show up more on the streets again, while the fashion chains try to correspond with that way of working, instead of just taking it and copying it.

“FLOPSHOP stands for all the fashion chains that design, produce and sell their fashion without passion. It is time for originality, quality and honesty.”

The FLOPSHOP project exists of seven t-shirts with prints that criticize the ways of producing and consuming. These t-shirts have been photographed in an editorial with a look book feel to illustrate the protest.
The people that were responsible for the design have probably found my picture on a blog. Let’s make the circle go round! Reblog this piece of information or ask me for the mediakit so you can make your own article about FLOPSHOP and let’s make sure that they will be reminded that we do not tolerate this! Thanks in advance!

Landa Penders

zaterdag 25 juni 2011

It's in the mix

Twix Caramel Slices, so delicious!!
A short cake base, with a layer of caramel topped with milk chocolate milk.

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

Cloe Resort 2012

L O V E the new spring 2012 collection.
Airy trapeze dresses, pussy bow blouses and multi-buckled shoes.

A Dutch girl in Paris Part II

This was a very cloudy day. But after a quick breakfast with some fresh juice we went to the Louvre. Unfortunately we couldn't get in because it was too busy and the lines were too long.
So we walked to a very cute tearoom restaurant with lovely pastries, called the Angelina Salon. A scene from Sex and the City, where Carrie was wearing her polka dots dress was shot here. And I heard that it was also Coco Chanel's daily pit stop for a cup of hot chocolate! I ordered a cappuccino with macaroons and when we finished we went up north to the Montmartre, the Sucre Coeur and the Moulin Rouge.
I also added a few pictures from yesterday of the Quartier Latin and the Eiffel Tower.

Love Fresh